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Underpant Toast

Nutricious and stylish, underpant toast could be the center piece of any dinner party.

Find out how to make

Underpant Toast

Woo Giant Marmots in Blode 3

All three of the Giant Marmots have landed pivotable roles in the new Blode3 flash movie from RatherGood. Two of them are Baddies and one of them is a Goody. There are also lots of of other Marmots and a scary looking guinea pig, as well as the usual gang Blode, Food, Griblet, Hairy and the Crab of Ineffible Wisdom.

Big prawn sort of thing made from straws

Chatting about crabs today on B3TA I got to thinking about those rock hard prawns that David Attenbloke did a proggy on once. These prawns are hard as nails, and were smashing up the camera mans stuff. I decided to make one using my collection of Capri Sun straws and some cable ties.

Watch out he'll have you

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