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The stuff from before on NiceCupOfTeaAndASitDown ...

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Return of the Duck

Before the Rabbit there was the Duck. Can I feed the duck? Yes you can.

Prawnzilla Vs Citrus Sheep

With production costs spiralling out of control and the whole thing weeks over due work has finally finished on "Prawnzilla Vs Citrus Sheep". For one of the sound effects, a damp jaye cloth was used, which caused little drops of water to fall alarmingly onto the NiceCupOfTea iBook.

When asked about the whole thing the Wife replied that it didn't have a proper story, and that it should have words or something. See what you think.

Lots of lemons were used, well just one actually, and an orange.
Breath taking special effects, in places.


Well apparently we were something to do with XFM's web site of the day, but we aren't really sure, Mike Trinder AKA Chthonic said he heard them mention Prawnzilla. Anyhow B3TA board member Mr Brong said we "Stopped his farm", which has to be good, farm stoppingly good

Prawnzilla media star.

Fullsize image

Oh No Its a Giant All Terrain Pinguin

This is our entry for the B3TA second "Photoshop this" competition.

He can cover a variety of terrains to make vast omlettes or soup.

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