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Oh Dear Giant Marmots

Joel at has just come back from his holidays in Canada or something, and now believes that Marmots are indeed the best thing, in the animal kingdom, right now. In an effort to help with his Marmot cravings NiceCupOfTeaAndASitDown sourced these images of giant Marmots going about their business.


Giant Marmot returning from Malaga probably

Fullsize image

Giant Ocean going Marmot making a sudden turn

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15 mile wide inter-stella Marmot spotted in the Nevada desert

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Its the Ultimate Doomsday battle

B3TA suggested a rework of the Duck to involve Rabbits and mayhem. The obvious choice of scenario was a Rabbit battling against the surviving home appliances in a post apocalyptic nightmare, probably much like the one that gave rise to The Planet of the Apes. Rabbits live in burrows so they would probably survive an Extiction event and today's home appliances have so many microchips that they would probably become self aware like Sky net in terminator or something. It could happen.

The featured appliances are from Breville who used to make Sandwich toasters, which could transform the humble sandwich into a deadly weapon fitting of a ninja warrior. Superheated Baked beans spewing from the rupture in a toasted sandwich are no joke.

Welsh hippy

I once asked my friend Clust, a Welsh hippy, what the two lights on the Breville where for. "The red one means its on" he said, "What's the green one for, I asked?", "That means its on as well.", he replied.

I also once got invited to a Toasted sandwich party being thrown by a bunch of Christians. They were all happily making Chocolate Buttons, and Banana and Sultana ones. In an act of atheistic one up manship I made a Beetroot, Spaghetti Hoops, Black pudding and Lettuce one using a handy salad, and the ingredients I brought along. Luckily they were all so busy being perfectly pleasant they didn't notice me not eating it and going to the pub.

Right that's the end of my Toasted sandwich anecdotes.

Antony Worral Thompson

All I'm saying is that the appliances are all in the Antony Worral Thompson range. There I've said it. Oh and he talks a bag of shite about Cheese Graters. I've said too much.


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