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The stuff from before on NiceCupOfTeaAndASitDown ...

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Oh No look who's taken all the herrings from the jungle

It hardly seems fair but Paul Daniels will deplete all the herrings from the Jungle given half a chance.

At only 18 inches tall he can still eat a lot of fish you know.

Fullsize image

Giant Bee you're lovely

Joel made this great Giant Bee song with his brother Alex, and we've made an animation to go with it. As its a joint production B3TA are kindly hosting it for us.

Giant bees are blue and purple, like to ice skate and to have cheese rubbed into their knees.

Watch the Movie

Giant Bee Store Now Open

Joel has just opened the Giant Bee online store where you can buy all sorts of great stuff, like tee shirts, mugs and hats. All Giant Bee profits go to's mission to blow stuff up. "I need some big display fireworks", says Joel, "so I can shove them up the arses of my stuffed penguins. I want to remove the innards, and fill it with petrol. This will go off in a huge ball of flames. Woo." Go on, help Joel out. If he gets enough cash he'll video it and put it on the web.

Walking with Crabs

Its our entry for the fantastic B3TA cut out crab challenge. Its a Walking with Dinosaurs/Beasts type of Flash movie.

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