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The stuff from before on NiceCupOfTeaAndASitDown ...

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Astounding hybrid biscuit discovered

Guest biscuit reviewer Phil has tracked down this odd hybrid biscuit in a shop in Norfolk. Is it a missing link between the digestive and the custard cream? Or is it science gone mad. Read Phil's review

Say 'Hello' to Captain Plate Head

My head is a plate, and my body fashioned from lightweight knitwear
One of our younger members of staff made him. We were all very pleased.

Sports Biscuits found alive and well in Welsh KwikSave

As you might know we have been trying to track down the legandary Sports biscuit. Thought to be a bit like a biscuit Ceolacanth the Sports biscuits were thought by many biscuit experts to have become extinct around about the late 1970's. However and a recent flurry of sightings, and some detective work by B3TA board member Tom Illingworth, has resulted in getting hold of three packets, sourced from a KwikSave in South Wales. These particular Sports biscuits are made by highly respected biscuit manufacturer Fox's (estb 1853).

This recent news has surely brought a ray of sunshine into the biscuit world, which has been suffering since the French reduced the amount of chocolate on the outside of a Club biscuit in the Danone takeover of Jacobs. A full review of the Sports biscuit is planed for the near future.

Two stick men playing football, perhaps

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