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The stuff from before on NiceCupOfTeaAndASitDown ...

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Watch out she's got a blog on a stick, and possibly a T shirt

All you B3TA regulars will know her as 'theWife', well we have finally relented and given her own bit of the site. So we've made this blog on a stick for her. Read it at your peril.

You may have also noticed that we finally have aquired an armchair to go with our tea cup, thanks to the very talented Pep of B3TA. To celebrate we've opened another web store so now you can buy NiceCupOfTeaAndASitDown stuff aswell as Giant Bee stuff.

Irish Tea Tour

All this week NiceCupOfTeaAndASitDown has been on tour in Ireland. We've had a lovely time, including a particularly nice cup of tea and a sit down at the Bushmill's Distillery where they also apparently make Whiskey. We've also done a special double biscuit review of the Irish classics the Kimberley and Chocolate Kimberley.
Impressive panoramic tea drinking in the Glens of Antrim

Fullsize image

Woo 50K hits and Daily Mirror site of the day

The Daily Mirror has made its website of the day, just as we are about to get our 50,000 hit. Hoorah.

Thanks to everyone who has emailed in guest reviews and biscuit feedback. You've all helped to make NiceCupOfTeaAndASitDown the number one biscuit oriented web site on the web (source: our own opinion.)

Woo and Yay
Reworked Sports biscuit by B3TA boarder Rogan

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