Holiday romance
Its a familiar story old as time itself, the holiday romance. Boy meets foreign biscuit, boy buy's foreign biscuit then brings it home to meet his mates, who not wearing the same rose tinted holiday glasses pour scorn and mockery upon the unfortunate packet.
The Guild of Biscuiteers (East Mids Sector) has sent us in this guest biscuit review, complete with pictures, which perfectly captures that Euro biscuit disappointment. Check out our guest review page for this Portuguese Maria Oro review, it will be very familiar to any of you who have carted home Euro biscuits keen to learn about the culture of others.
Did the Dinosaurs drink tea, or maybe were wiped out by some sort of tea related catastrophe?A NiceCupOfTeaAndASitDown special report
Dinosaurs as we all know ruled the earth for about 270 million years, and although we can't be sure and despite there being no evidence it is now believed that they might have enjoyed a nice cup of tea and a sit down.
A dinosaur thinking about having a nice cuppa, and maybe some kind of primitive biscuit Fullsize image
So what are the flimsy lines of reasoning behind this astounding new theory? Well there are two main reasons. It is now believed that dinosaurs evolved into birds so if birds like tea and sitting down then its a fair bet their ancestors, the dinosaurs, did as well. So look no further than the household budgie or the common garden sparrow both of which spend much of the day sitting or 'pearching' and would probably like tea if they were offered it. As for biscuits well they love them especially digestives. Secondly 270 million years is a long time to go without a cuppa and a sit down. It simply doesn't make sense that they would have gone all that time with out one. Ooo I just thought of another one, it could of helped them get up in the mornings. We all like a cuppa first thing so dinosaurs being that much bigger were bound to.
As for being wiped out at the end of the Cretaceous period this could simply be a matter of tea, the plant that is, not having yet evolved. The dinosaurs were so dismayed at the thought of having to wait several million years for tea to evolve that they all just upped and dropped dead. This was a pity as they could of probably made so sort of wonky tea out of cycads, horsetails and ferns if they had tried. Yes, I know this second theory is at odds with the first one, so one of them must be correct.