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The stuff from before on NiceCupOfTeaAndASitDown ...

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Bin there for tea

Big brother house mates Dean and Stuart came up with the Tea Bag Bin, a little bin thing that sits next to your kettle and collects up all your used tea bags. We've had one for a test drive for a little while now.

To find out how we got on and for a gratuitous picture of our Courgette patch take a look at our Tea Bag Bin report.

Personal mug awareness week

If you're like myself or the Wife then you probably have your own favorite or personal mug for use in your place of work, or some such communal area. If you do then you'll no doubt know the embarrassing and sometimes ugly scenes that can occur when somebody else uses your mug. I have seen people resort to drinking tea from truly ghastly excuses for mugs, such as our appalling Jar-jar Binks mug with its strange stains, in the hope that other people will pass it over when searching for a clean drinking vessel.

Perhaps you have gone to extreme ends to ensure the sanctity of your mug, or maybe caused an unpleasant scene as you reclaimed it from a fellow worker. Then again maybe you use those nasty plastic cups from vending machines. Either way we want to know, send those emails in!

As we have started this campaign week on a Thursday we'll probably let it run for a week or two or until we can think of something better, I expect.

Your personal mug feedback

A surprising week

Well well well, last week the Wife and I took a trip to France to finally track down and apprehend the sticky sort of Mikado, which we did. I also picked up a pack of Galettes Bretonnes which we were tipped off about by Amelia Jones ages ago. At last a true traditional French biscuit that is so good I ate the pack. Yes that's right a French biscuit Nicey likes, amazing. Unfortunately I scoffed them so quickly there were none left to review.

If that were not enough we were interviewed by BBC Online for an article about biscuits, then on Thursday it was off down to see Richard and Judy for a nice sit down on their settee, and a natter about biscuits.

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