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The stuff from before on NiceCupOfTeaAndASitDown ...

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Organic excess

Organic chocolate is becoming increasingly popular not least due to the efforts of Green & Black's who really kicked the whole thing off. I've also known people who really should be eating less of the stuff, justify their next bar by getting an organic one. "Well it must be good for me, it's organic!". Hmmmm.

When they got in touch to let us know they were launching a range of biscuits, we got our chocolate heads on and dived in.


Irish Tea Tour 04

We've just got back from our Irish tea tour most of which we spent in lovely County Mayo. The landlady of NCOTAASD's field HQ enquired what it was we did for a living. Good question. I told her that this year I was mostly writing a book about tea and biscuits. Being Irish she looked pleased. However, her mood quickly changed when she asked if we use proper tea and I replied that we had acquired some nice Nambarrie tea bags for our tour. Barely containing her disgust and pity she said "I couldn't drink tea made with tea bags, it would have to be loose tea", she then beat a hasty retreat.

We also tracked down the elusive and hard to find ToffePop, which seems freely available in most shops in Ireland, so expect a review of that very soon.
A traditional Irish scene: The holy mountain of Croagh Patrick, some tea, Kimberley, Mikados and Coconut creams

Fullsize image

No, I wasn't looking for you


Lionel Richtea and his mates, Simon le-Bourbon, Abraham Lincoln, Vanilla Iced Gem and Sid Viscount

We have seen rather too much of Lionel Richtea over the last fortnight, site regulars, friends, family, people I've never heard of and our literary agent all sent him to us with their best wishes. His creator FiST got in touch to say sorry and to let us know that Lionel is not alone. So before you reach for that forward icon in your email package, its OK we've seen them.

Part of Lionel stared life as a biscuit image on our site, FiST used it to make himself an amusing avatar for the message board from where he quickly escaped and started doing the rounds via email. Cyberspace is a very odd place where a bunch of pixels that you made several years ago can suddenly turn up in your mail box in your own personal spam deluge. A very similar thing happend in the Star Trek the movie when Voyager turned up as giant robot the size of a planet after falling out of a black hole. Well I can see the similarities. Mind you they never said how they got rid of V-ger after they calmed it down, "Alright you've touched the hand of the creator, now shove off".

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