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To help you work out what is what, are now little icons to help you see biscuit related themes. And now you can see at a glance which are the most contested subjects via this graph (requires Flash 6.0 plugin).

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Chocolate Cake Fruit Pink Wafers World of Biscuits The French Cork Hat - Australia Kiwi - Kiwis
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Your e-Mails

Sally O'Hagan
Cork Hat - Australia

Graham cracker Review
Nicey replies: Glad to promote international biscuit understanding.

Lauren James
Cork Hat - AustraliaJapanese Black Thunder

Bourbon Review
Nicey replies: Right that's a new icon for Hiromi then, or any other Korean based Japanese UK biscuit aficionados with a liking for Black Thunders that write to us.

In time honoured NCOTAASD fashion, here is a hearty Hoorah! for the new icon (I had to animate it and everything).

Neil Cunningham
Cork Hat - AustraliaHolidays
Nicey replies: Neil,

First may I take a moment to compliment you on your forward planning and foresight. If only more people would seriously consider what biscuits they were going to eat in a foreign country some 3 to 4 months before visiting it then I'm sure their trips would be that much more successful as a result.

As you are going to Scotland I would think it none too bad to focus on the local stuff. Absolutely anything by Tunnocks will prove a source a great learning. Simmers Abernethy biscuits are also very Scottish and well worth investigating. You'll probably quickly tire of the all too predictable shortbread which will follow you everywhere you go, until probably in mild desperation you'll succumb and by some in duty free on the way home. Other than that I would say try the Penguin which inspired your own Tim Tam, this could be seen as a very academic exercise, so I suggest you work up a good appetite and pop away a couple of them before coming to any conclusions.

As for Marmalade, there is much to choose from as you say. Steer clear of all those jars of "With Whisky" nonsense that will be keeping the tins of shortbread company stalking you around Scotland. Much better just to drink the whisky and eat the marmalade toast at the appropriate times. I find that there is much to be said for the small producers of preserves who make something with a bit of character. Other than that I always like a bit of Frank Coopers whilst Nanny Nicey likes Roses Lime Marmalade as do the YMOS.

Finally if you find yourself in Annan in Dumfriesshire as we did earlier this year be sure and visit Scotland's third best fish and chip shop, The Cafe Royal, where the great poet Rabbie Burns wrote the immortal, "The Deil's Awa Wi' Th' Exciseman ", but steer clear of the deep fried Haggis in batter.

Anthony Smith
ChocolateCork Hat - Australia

Tim Tam vs Penguin Review
Nicey replies: I thought he Double Coat ones were certainly better as it gave more of an opportunity to study Arnott's unique chocolate coat, which has a slight caramel flavour. They possibly were 19% better actually.

Given that recently we were be told by advertisers about shampoos which could make your hair 81% more shiny or something then I think its fair to measure 'better' in percentage points.

Also talking of adverts last night Wifey and I saw an old video of Heart singing their hit that goes 'How do I get you alone?' which always makes me think of adverts for bank loans. Then I realised that with the credit crunch there are no adverts for loans or credit cards right now, and no credit card junk mail landing on NCOTAASD's HQ door mat. That's got to be saving some trees.

I've digressed haven't I.


Dr Alice Gorman
CakeCork Hat - AustraliaRocket Science
Nicey replies: Its always good to hear from NCOTAASD's favourite space archaeologist. We too were excited about the 50th anniversary of Sputnik, which for good reason is the artificial satellite that I most often think of. Despite all the hundreds of other ones up there routing our phone calls, guiding our transport and keeping an eye on the weather, Sputnik is the only one with its own vegetable. The Kohl-Rabis that turn up in our weekly delivered veggi-box are the spit of it, and very nice in a stir fry it is.

I'm impressed that each cake seems to be unique in its design and colour scheme and I note that Dr Wallis didn't spare the food colouring. I hope this didn't render all your students hyper-active with attention deficit issues. Granted the latter is always difficult to diagnose in students although working in such a stimulating field I'm sure you don't suffer from such things.