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Victoria Wimhurst |
hi Nicey,
I just have to let you (and through you, the world) know that the finest combination known to man, or at least to me, is two plain chocolate digestives sandwiched together with peanut butter (crunchy, if poss). Obviously, for the avoidance of chocolatey fingers, the biscuits should be arranged with their chocolate-covered sides pointing inwards.
Incidentally, I share an office with someone who assures me that cheese and chocolate spread is a divine combination, and she has even gone so far as to bring me in cheese and chocolate spread sandwiches in an attempt to demonstrate this 'fact'. Whilst this is an obviously misguided approach, it does lead me to wonder if a similar choc digestive strategy could be employed with cheese as the filling ...
perhaps not.
best wishes, as ever,
Nicey replies: Anybody else called Victoria want to add to this discussion I wonder? |