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Darryl Snow
Fox's Whipped Creams Review |
It strikes me that these new-fangled whipped cream biscuits from Fox are essentially just crunchy scones.... am i wrong?
Darryl Snow
Nicey replies: Although I completely follow your logic they are nothing like that. |
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Hiromi Miura
Fox's Whipped Creams Review |
Dear Nicey,Wifey and YMOS
I understand that Nicey enjoys D I Y, and your latest wonderful review brought me to FOX's website featuring an adorable panda (danda ?)
So, I'd like to introduce you a Korean biscuit in the shape of a panda's face, suitable for DIY lovers.
It consists of a blue pouch of some panda-faced biscuits, a yellow pouch of biscuits for base, two tubes of filling such as chocolate and strawberry flavour, and a sheet of stickers (maybe a free gift).
Here, we are required to complete the panda-faced sandwich biscuits ourselves, instead of the sandwich machine of the biscuit factory of HAITAI, manufacturer. The back side of the box, we can see the building instructions with diagrams. As you guess, it is very difficult for me to read Korean without the dictionary. As a grown-up, I know how to build up sandwich biscuits, so I skipped reading such a manual and made mine.
However, after tasting all panda biscuits,I finally found that I should have enjoyed them after freezing for 10-20 minutes, because on seeing the instractions well later, I mamaged to read a Korean language meaning "freezer" and a figure of "10-20".
Anyway, I was happy to have a lovely time completing sandwich biscuits myself, and that the lukewarm ones were good.
Sad to say, I cannot read the product name written in Korean printed on the box, yet, although I tried to look the Korean words in the dictionary. Therefore, I would like to call this biscuit "Banda" (biscuit/panda) by borrowing the idea of danda (dog/panda).
Thank you for reading,
Hiromi Miura (Seoul Korea).
Nicey replies: Hello Special Biscuit Correspondent Miura,
They look like really good fun for YMOS parties and such. Perhaps the biscuits become super-conductive at low temperatures allowing them to hover in magnetic fields, perhaps that's what the Koreans are getting at.
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Revd. Stephen Day
Fox's Whipped Creams Review |
Hi Nicey,
You asked about the spiritual aspects of Fox's Whipped Creams: I suspect most vicars could distinguish between a danger to their immortal soul and a tasty biscuit, but when I tried to pit myself against this potential force of evil, my local Tesco didn't have any. From the review, though, they look as if they could combine the two biggest practical dangers to the biscuit eating vicar: a crumbly texture and stuff that squidges out. It's very embarrassing to leave crumbs and blobs over the parishioners' immaculate sitting rooms. The ideal visiting biscuit is something small and relatively crumb free with a firm filling - Bourbons are about spot on.
And visitees should try not to wait till the vicar has a mouthful of biscuit before asking "what do you think of women bishops, then?", unless they do it for the entertainment value.
Revd. Stephen Day
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Fox's Whipped Creams Review |
Hi Nicey,
Just wanted to congratulate you on the mighty excellence of you site paying appropriate homage to the fine art of biscuit consumption.
I'm glad someone's standing up for factual accuracy in relation to the Custard Cream being the nation's favourite biscuit - this is going to be one of those myths that gets repeated so often that it gains the status of a fact.
On the subject of accuracy, you make reference to the Panda ads in your most recent review. I don't think Fox's mention it on their website, but if you check the original press releases the creature in question is actually a Danda (ie dog/panda hybrid). Yeah, it looks like a panda to me too! My guess is that everyone will assume likewise and Fox's will let it rest on Panda, given the current fashion for those creatures. Personally I can't see Vinnie [not Vinny, btw] doing any kung fu - he's no doubt got some boys to do that sort of thing for him...
The other irony in all this is the agency that produced the series of ads (they're called Mother London) are based in a building called The Biscuit Building in trendy/arty Shoreditch.
Anyway, feel free to use any of this as material on your site - I wonder what Fox's official line is now on the Panda/Danda question?
-Ian- |
Nicey replies: So now we have Italian American gangster Danda formed from the against nature union of a Dog and Panda (I'm guessing a chimera is the only possible way this could happen especially given Panda's breeding record with their own species )... who appreciates biscuits. I did think his mouth looked all wrong but now its probably very life like. |