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The stuff from before on NiceCupOfTeaAndASitDown ...

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Happy new year

The lovely Pep of B3TA, CityCreator and our logo fame sent us this charming New Year card. Isn't it nice?

Well we have been very quiet over the holidays, but the first biscuit review pack of 2003 is open and our Christmas selection tins have taken a bashing since the mince pies and Christmas cake ran out.

Santa also dropped off a nice Biscuit recipe book, but so far we haven't managed to achieve anything more than a category A biscuit frenzy after looking at the pictures. However, if we do manage to bake anything we'll be sure to let you know.

The small Origami Dog of reconciliation

This week we have been thinking about biscuit wrappers and what they bring to the world of biscuits. When Jacob's re-introduced their original wrapping system for the Club biscuit earlier this year we were over joyed, as they lend themselves well to small origami animals. We have taken this as a gesture of goodwill and ended our embargo on Club biscuit matters. You can find out more in this weeks biscuit of the week.

Perhaps you do something with biscuit wrappers other than chuck them in the bin! If so let us know we may even come up with a new icon.

Holiday romance

Its a familiar story old as time itself, the holiday romance. Boy meets foreign biscuit, boy buy's foreign biscuit then brings it home to meet his mates, who not wearing the same rose tinted holiday glasses pour scorn and mockery upon the unfortunate packet.

The Guild of Biscuiteers (East Mids Sector) has sent us in this guest biscuit review, complete with pictures, which perfectly captures that Euro biscuit disappointment. Check out our guest review page for this Portuguese Maria Oro review, it will be very familiar to any of you who have carted home Euro biscuits keen to learn about the culture of others.

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