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The stuff from before on NiceCupOfTeaAndASitDown ...

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A surprising week

Well well well, last week the Wife and I took a trip to France to finally track down and apprehend the sticky sort of Mikado, which we did. I also picked up a pack of Galettes Bretonnes which we were tipped off about by Amelia Jones ages ago. At last a true traditional French biscuit that is so good I ate the pack. Yes that's right a French biscuit Nicey likes, amazing. Unfortunately I scoffed them so quickly there were none left to review.

If that were not enough we were interviewed by BBC Online for an article about biscuits, then on Thursday it was off down to see Richard and Judy for a nice sit down on their settee, and a natter about biscuits.

Official UK Tim Tam Launch

The Wife and I have just got back from the official launch of the Tim Tam in the UK, at the Australian Australian High Commission, Hoorah! We were treated to huge plates of double coat Tim Tams and some nice cups of Typhoo tea, and had a splendid evening finding out about all things Tim Tam.

The Tim Tam is now available in UK via Tescos. Apparently Tescos and Arnotts have been working for nearly 18 months to bring the Tim Tam in bulk to the UK, surmounting such tricky problems as how to ship chocolate biscuits across the equator with out them melting. We were also treated to a demonstration of the 'Tim Tam Slam', or 'Tim Tam Suck' as Arnotts called it, by a plucky Arnotts employee specially trained and flown out for the event. We didn't try it ourselves as our white NiceCupOfTeaAndASitDown tea-shirts tend to show up chocolate stains.

Alas at no point in the evening did we hear somebody say 'Ambassador with these Tim Tams you are really spoiling us', so I said it on the way out, armed with a slightly immodest amount of Tim Tam packs. I may have also been that he would be a High Commisioner not an Ambassador.

We'll be bringing you more on the Tim Tam soon once we have recovered from the excitement.

The biscuits of Uruguay

This fantastic review of a mad South American biscuit has just come in from NiceCupOfTeaAndASitDown reader Martin De Saulles. His exotic specimen, new to western biscuit eating science, looks like some sort of inflatable vinyl burger to us.

Martin was the first to alert us to McVities now revised claim of more than 65 Million packs of chocolate biscuits being eaten a day.

May be you could be the first, like Martin, to bring an odd biscuit to the attention of the Western biscuit eating world. We like strange stuff like this, so send your emails and pictures to us.

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