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The stuff from before on NiceCupOfTeaAndASitDown ...

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It's suitable spoon month

Yes it's that time again when we look at a burning topic not far from everybody's minds. This month (probably the rest of the summer actually) we are looking at things that you stir your tea with. Perhaps you have a trusty teaspoon that serves you faithfully, or maybe you can never find one despite there allegedly being hundreds in your cutlery draw. Do you have to resort to using dessert spoons, knives or even pens to fish out your teabag and stir in the milk?

Perhaps you are forced to use those little plastic stirrer things, although you're not sure which way up they go. We want to hear about it. We may even make a new icon if we get some replies.

Your spoon feedback

Take to the Lakes for tea

tea trail

Lovely view

If you've ever visited the lake district then you'll know that drinking in all that wonderful scenery can soon leave you wanting to drink in a pot of tea or two. Some freshly baked biscuits and a nice slice of cake wouldn't go amiss either or maybe some home made scones and jam.

Well now some enterprising ladies in Cumbria have launched the Cumbria tea trail, a collective of rural tea shops that covers the county. Not only will you find maps on their website to help you plan a trip around lakeland, but also details of local walks so you can choose to work up a healthy appetite or walk off a big plate of goodies. And if you can't make it to Cumbria there are even a few recipes on the site including the famous Grasmere Gingerbread.

McVities Crumb Test Dummy

How many of us have lost sleep at night worrying about how exactly biscuit manufacturers ensure an consistant average number of crumbs from their biscuits? Well now we can sleep soundly in the knowledge that the boffins at McVities have come up with the world's first Crumb Test Dummy. The mechcanical muncher was developed to help perfect McVities new Milk Chocolate Orange Digestive, and has helped to reveal that a stagering 127.8 tonnes of biscuit crumbs are shed annually from Digestive based biscuits alone. More..


It's all so obvious really

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