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If you have some nice news that you think we should know about, it might be that you've spotted a long lost biscuit, or maybe you've found somewhere that does splendid tea and sits downs, then why not email us at the usual address.

Darkness makes a come back with HobNobs

Friday 11 Jan 2008 Reporter: Nicey
Nothing to do with Lowestoft based glam rockers, but news from NCOTAASD reader Richard Birkin that McVities are to bring back the much missed Plain Chocolate Hobnob. Hoorah! However this time its going to be called the Dark Chocolate Hobnob.
Richard says "I just received news on the telephone from a lady at United Biscuits. I contacted them about McVities Plain Chocolate Hobnob. They confirmed that it has been fully discontinued, but they did have some good news to accompany the confirmation. The Plain Chocolate Hobnob is being rebranded as the Dark Chocolate Hobnob and will be on the shelves early in the spring time."
When I broke the news to Nanny Nicey she wasn't the least bit surprised, adding that every one is now making the move from Milk to Dark chocolate. I asked what she was basing this on, and apparently several of her friends in the ramblers have decided it's less fattening.