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Gerald Carnelly
Happy Faces Review |
I have recently noticed a correlation in the biscuit universe with a brand of reformed and shaped potato type thing known as Smiley Potato. While superficially similar, the potato variety is no good for dunking, and has no jam.
But the real truth comes to light once you actually cook Smiley Potato. Before they go under the grill, they are innocent and as the name suggests, smiley.
Once cooked, the awful reality is that they resemble evil grinning burnt demon faces, and thus become difficult to consume, if not impossible.
I think it's a safe assumption that once dunked, Smiley Face biscuits do not distort and turn to evil, but remain good natured even when mashed into a slurry and sent stomachward.
Is this a conspiracy to ruin the image of Smiley Faces?
Nicey replies: Actually on reflection most of the Happy Faces look a lot like gargoyles.
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Angela Din
Happy Faces Review |
Glad to see you reviewing one of my favourite examples of the biscuit-makers' art!
Several years ago, when I worked in an office, two of my colleagues and I used to regularly demolish a whole pack of these lovely biscuits of an afternoon. We used to compete as to who had the most evil-faced biscuit. We found some of them were rendered quite sinister by the placement of the jam! We used, in fact, to refer to them as "Evil Faces".
As you might have guessed, I left this job soon after, as I was far too bored - the biscuits were the only thing that kept me going. The result was that I did put on quite a lot of weight! Perhaps you could review the Weight Watchers biscuits soon - Sultana and Cinnamon is quite tasty, as is the Ginger variety. Both tend toward the crispy and chewy, but I quite enjoy this!
Yours, in the pure love of a woman for her biscuit,
Angela Din |
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Mrs Janet Faik
Happy Faces Review |
Dear Nicey, I have just read, and thoroughly enjoyed and agreed with your biscuit review of Happy Faces. I am somewhat puzzled though at how the youngsters at HQ are eating them with spoons. Are they breaking them in half and eating the cream and jam first (as can and should be done with
bourbon in my humble opinion) or are they dunking them on the spoon to just the right consistency and then eating them off the spoon? I would welcome your advise on this as new ways to enjoy favourite biscuits are always welcome being a definite biscuit girl myself.
Yours faithfully a true biscuit fan,
Mrs. Janet Faik. |
Nicey replies: Simple, bite the face off then eat the goo left behind using your favourite spoon.