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Keep your e-mails pouring in, it's good to know that there are lots of you out there with views and opinions.

To help you work out what is what, are now little icons to help you see biscuit related themes. And now you can see at a glance which are the most contested subjects via this graph (requires Flash 6.0 plugin).

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If you like, you can use this search thingy to find stuff that matches with any of the icons you pick, or use the fantastic free text search, Yay!
Chocolate Cake Fruit Pink Wafers World of Biscuits The French Cork Hat - Australia Kiwi - Kiwis
Rocket Science Jammie Dodger Fig rolls Jam Smells like biscuits Jaffa cakes Biscuit tin Tea
Seek you the Grail Cheese please Canada Personal mug Superstitions Holidays Vending machines Tea cosy
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Your e-Mails

Anthony Smith
ChocolateCork Hat - Australia

Tim Tam vs Penguin Review
Nicey replies: I thought he Double Coat ones were certainly better as it gave more of an opportunity to study Arnott's unique chocolate coat, which has a slight caramel flavour. They possibly were 19% better actually.

Given that recently we were be told by advertisers about shampoos which could make your hair 81% more shiny or something then I think its fair to measure 'better' in percentage points.

Also talking of adverts last night Wifey and I saw an old video of Heart singing their hit that goes 'How do I get you alone?' which always makes me think of adverts for bank loans. Then I realised that with the credit crunch there are no adverts for loans or credit cards right now, and no credit card junk mail landing on NCOTAASD's HQ door mat. That's got to be saving some trees.

I've digressed haven't I.


Tim Gwynne

Tim Tam vs Penguin Review
Nicey replies: Really. I've always considered it a widely known fact that all green foods, green fruit gums in-particular are derived from Fairy washing up liquid. As such the green penguins were the last to go in our house.

Richard Kitching
AeroplanesJapanese Black Thunder

Tim Tam vs Penguin Review
Nicey replies: Richard,

Firstly I shall be using our airplan icon for your message which until now has mean't issues with tea and biscuits arising whilst on an airplane, or something like that. It now also encompasses anything that people who work for airlines have to say.

We've been told before that the United Arab Emirates have blocked some of our content, I suppose we should be flattered that they have gone to so much trouble on our account. We would tone down our offensive language if we knew what it was we were saying. Perhaps in future they could just underline the offending bits in red and put a note at the bottom.

As for Biscuit Correspondent Hiromi, we have her latest report coming right up.

Laurel James
Cork Hat - AustraliaSmells like biscuits

Tim Tam vs Penguin Review
Nicey replies: I think its nice when places like large parts of a City smell of biscuits and the like. When I used to live in Norwich twenty or more years ago the Rowntree Mackintosh factory (subsequently Nestle), used to make the entire city centre smell of chocolate. I don't know if the could help it or not or whether they just did it as a public service. Mind you Cardiff city centre smells a bit odd from time to time due to Brains Brewery making Brains SA Bitter (I've been told SA stands for Strong Ale, Skull Attack or Sick Afterwards).

Jamie Kirk
World of BiscuitsCork Hat - Australia

Tim Tam vs Penguin Review
Nicey replies: Jamie,

Thanks for that useful info. Probably most useful to Australians who find them selves not in Australia as they are prone to do. They get a bit animated when the subject of Tim Tams comes up so its best and safest to take a couple of steps back and let them get on with it. Those three varieties are the core of the range. I liked the double-coats.

Still fingers crossed you might come across some Penguins too.