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Mint Viscount Review |
A recent transatlantic flight curiously re-acquainted me without warning with the wonder of the viscount.
Travelling with British Airways on a 747-400 jumbo jet, I was on my way to JFK from Heathrow. Trapped like the chocolate centre of a bourbon I had no choice but to resort to watching the in-flight entertainment, as an aside they actually served a single finger of time-out with the main meal, very nice, a good balance of wafer and chocolate but too small portion size wise obviously, I digress, I selected the Catherine Tate show, one clip was of a rather foul mouthed old gran who thought it a f***ing liberty that a mouse help itself to her mint viscounts...I have to agree, but it re-awakened my yearning for the minty goodness.
In my youth, I could easily have eaten an entire gaggle of viscounts, especially the mint ones, the orange ones, I don't know, they were a bit too fake orangey, a bit like an orange club. Mint was always the best. It seemed that when you had got to your 5th or 6th mint viscount you entered into the viscount zone where you could drift away on an overdose of mint and chocolate, I can still recall the biscuity base interacting with the creamyness.
Keep up the good work, your book looks interesting I think I may buy it actually.
Minty |
Nicey replies: Orange Viscounts are thought to be missing in action in their proper full size versions, but I think you can get tubs of mini ones which seems awkward and fiddly, mint or orange.
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Chris Timony
Mint Viscount Review |
This is in response to the utter madness that is the Mcvities mint chocolate digestive. Have the reviewers here gone stark raving? A packet o these atrocities was bought by a member of our team last week, and we collectively have still not recovered from the incident. Milk chocolate, mint and biscuit simply do not belong together, and I will not rest until this product has been recalled, for the sake of all of us and our children.
Chris Timony |
Nicey replies: Well then that's the Mint Viscount, the Mint Penguin and the Mint Club all scuppered too. |
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Mrs Sarah Viscount
Mint Viscount Review |
Dear Nicey, Wifey, and the-younger-members-of-staff,
I just wanted to share the news of an upcoming joyful event in my life. To most people it would be considered a modest - even insignificant - event, but I knew that if anyone was to understand, it would be you and the readers of your truly wonderful website.
You see, about two months ago, a friend of mine quibbled and scoffed when I said that I wasn't that pushed or bothered about chocolate, and could happily go ages without eating any. So for no reason (except perhaps to indulge his cruel streak) he insisted that I put my money where my mouth was, as it were, and give up chocolate until Halloween. I had to forego all chocolate for the two months until that date, and give him a weekly update on my progress by text message. I know, I know, more fool me for agreeing to it; but agree I did.
And so, I hear you ask, how was my progress? Well I wasn't lying - I don't have the chocolate fixation of many women. And as a Good Oirish Catholic Colleen, I'm practiced at giving up various things, having done so during many a Lent in my youth. So I was happy to pass the rows and rows of chocolate-bars in every shop, I cheerfully selected non-chocolate flavours of Ben & Jerry's ice-cream at the cinema, and I chirpily opted to just say no when another friend brought a box of Cadbury's Heroes to my house. However, as I know you've noted before (with regard to Toffypops) even small and humble shops and garages in Ireland are usually quite well stocked with relatively luxurious biscuits. And so it was, that every time I went into my local garage to pay for my petrol, I was greeted with the chocolate foe I had forgotten about: the sublime, dulcet, celestially supreme, minty Viscount. I held firm, and stoically resisted all the way. But they have called to me, Siren-like, for so long, that it is with true joy that I note today's date: it is November the 1st. Halloween is over, so on my way home from work today, I am going to that garage, I am walking in purposefully, and I am claiming a packet as my own.
I knew you'd understand.
(Mrs Sarah Viscount as of this evening) |
Nicey replies: Very Good Mrs Viscount,
Now what do you think your friend can go with out till Christmas? |
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The Lovely Rebecca
Mint Viscount Review |
Can I ask you to settle a dispute? My stupid boyfriend thinks that there's a layer of something between the mint and the biscuit in a Mint Viscount. I've told him that I've eaten enough of them to know there's nothing else in there and it's the contact of mint on biscuit that creates that slightly darker line when you bite into it, but am I wrong?! |
Nicey replies: Well if there is something else in there they don't list it on the ingredients which is illegal. Here is a close up cross sectional picture of a Mint Viscount, clearly there is no 'third' layer. A very small amount of chocolate seepage can be seen in the bottom left at the extreme edge of the mint cream biscuit interface but this no more than about 1-2 mm.
We'll be generous and say that his thinking may well be confused by the effect seen in Marshmallow teacakes where the gelatine based mallow interacts with the biscuit to give a shiny and darker surface when the mallow is peeled off. |
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Helen Lo
Mint Viscount Review |
I’ve just finished reading your book which was extremely informative and brought back many childhood memories which the psychotherapist has yet to manage. There is one omission which I must raise and this is surprising given the attention to detail.
You talk about the Mint Viscount but then don’t give any information on what was the difference between it and the YoYo. Also any differences between men’s preferences and women’s preferences? I’m afraid my husband is crying into his mug of Assam, after I read out your disparaging comments about lemon puffs and pink wafers. But then I’ve always thought he was a bit of big girl’s blouse……
Best wishes
Helen |
Nicey replies: Helen,
Well the primary difference between the Viscount and Yo-yo as I'm sure you know is diameter and depth, with the Yo-yo being wider and thiner. Sadly the Yo-yo was discontinued by United Biscuits in 2003, which is why I omitted them. WIth the exception of the Abbey Crunch I wanted the biscuits all to be currently available.
As for differences in male and female preferences there are not really any strong trends apart from a much higher tolerance of Chocolate by the females, and hence their enhanced ability to enjoy Sainsbury's Taste the Difference Triple Chocolate cookies. Men compensate with the ability to put up with smashed up, past it's sell by date, and generally iffy biscuits if nothing else is to be had. |
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