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Steve Watts

Club Milk Review
Nicey replies: Steve,

Great to hear from somebody who was so involved with the revered Club Biscuit. It was my cherished wish that McVities would ride to the rescue and reinstate the Club back to its former glory but alas they seem to view the whole acquisition and what was Associated Biscuits as a means of getting their hands on Cream Crackers. Given that they have had to brand their Jacobs fig rolls as McVities in-order to sell them in the Republic of Ireland, maybe Jacob's Fruitfieild will brand their Clubs as Bollands and start shipping some over here (we can hope).

As for all those Christmas Puds, we had a few in our time. Every one accompanied by my Dad's tale of how awful the one they had after the end of WWII was. The resurrected Huntley and Palmers does quite a nice Christmas pudding nowadays, probably to be found in Waitrose.

John Black
ChocolateRocket ScienceIreland

Club Milk Review
Nicey replies: Indeed as I mentioned the biscuit is moulded differently from the old Liverpool built Clubs. Old style biscuits had round edge implying that they had been moulded on both faces, the new ones seem to be moulded on one side then scraped thus giving the flat bottom. This does mean that the chocolate seems to bond a bit tighter on the new ones but I still managed to bite off chunks as I mentioned. I didn't have enough of them under ideal circumstances to attempt the complete de-chocolating, but I would think it is possible.

Also the one in cross section was one of the few to make it out of Ireland. We had to leave in quite a hurry due to the weather, in fact there were floods in central Dublin the day we left. This meant that my strategic and comprehensive last big biscuit buy up didn't happen. The rather lob-sided one here made it out in the top pocket of my ruck-sack.